Quail Canyon Homeowners Master Association

Photo courtesy of Mark Corneliussen



In 1979, The Quail Canyon Master Home Owner’s Association was established to safeguard the beneficial interests of the homeowners of lots 1 through 361 as set forth by The Estes Co. These CC&Rs as they are referred to, declare that all properties shall be held, sold and conveyed subject to the easements, restrictions, covenants, and conditions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the real property, and are binding on all parties having any right, title or interest in the properties (lots 1 through 361) or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and shall insure the benefit of each owner thereof.


It is incumbent upon each homeowner to understand and uphold these covenants, conditions and restrictions. Upon sale of any property within lots 1 through 361, the new homeowner is issued a copy of the CC&Rs. It is the duty of the Quail Canyon Master Home Owners Association Board of Directors to monitor and enforce these CC&Rs and make decisions that are in the interests of our homeowners. Some examples of definitions detailed in the CC&Rs include; organizational rights of homeowners, including yearly assessment of fees; architectural control such as building or lot modifications; enforcement process; use restrictions such as occupancy, signs, vehicles and equipment, and native growth.


If you need a copy of the CC&Rs, Cadden Property Management will provide you a copy. Please send an email to achumak@cadden.com or call 297-0797 for your copy.

A condensed interpretation of the CC&Rs regarding architectural guidelines and standards can be found here.